General COVID-19 Safety Plan
August, 2020
As noted in our parent zoom meetings and on the registration form, there is an inherent risk in sports. This is a general list of some of the safety protocols. Specific protocols will vary sport to sport (Example, sanitation of sport balls) This is not an all-encompassing list. We will work hard to remind our athletes regularly about safety and physical distancing. Due to the nature of specific sports, there will be times when athletes are not physically distant. (Example, during a soccer scrimmage or game.) Please do not send your child when they are not feeling well.
- Pre-practice attendance and symptom free acknowledgment check off. (This passive Checklist on the bottom of this page. Parents are responsible to check with their child each day.)
- Athletes should arrive dressed for practice and games.
- Players masked at all non-exertion times including arrival and departure from practice or games.
- Coaches wear masks.
- PODs will be no greater than 25 people per MDH guidelines.
- Hand sanitizer to be used at appropriate times.
- Players will be told to spread bags/equipment out upon arrival to avoid congregating.
- Athletes must keep personal items and gear (water bottles, extra clothing, etc.) in a bag to keep separate from other members of pod.
- Pinnies and cloths should be washed each day at home.
- All warm up and cool down activities (stretching, conditioning drills) will require 6’ social distance and masks if not in exertion.
- Athletes will use the locker room minimally and will not leave items overnight as sterilization is occurring in the space.
- Players are responsible for own water bottle. Absolutely no sharing of water bottles.
- Social distancing enforced at all teachable moments and stoppages when on field, course court or pool. Players must mask up when off field, court, pool or course.
- Remind of students to not spit, touch hands to face, etc.
- Goalies should not use saliva to wet their gloves (no one should spit).
- Athlete must report all illnesses / ill feelings to coaching staff and may not attend practice while ill or feeling ill.
- Coaches will remind everyone to practice healthy decisions.
- Trash must be picked up at practices and games.
At events (Soccer, Swim/Dive, CC, Tennis) spectators please wear a mask to protect others.
At CC – Spectators are not allowed at the start or finish.
At Soccer – Team A and fans on one side of field. Team B and fans on opposite side of field where it works for that.
Swim/Dive will be virtual meets and no spectators are allowed.
Specific Varsity Soccer game protocol coming.
COVID-19 Student Daily Participation Checklist
- I am not exhibiting any of the following symptoms associated with COVID-19:
- Fever of 100.4°F or greater
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
- I have not been in close contact with anyone within the last 14 days who has been quarantined or isolated due to COVID-19.
- I have not been advised by any medical provider or health authority that I may have been exposed to COVID-19.
- I have not traveled out of the country in the past 30 days, or been in close contact with anyone who has traveled out of the country in the past 30 days.
I understand that in the case that I am notified that I may have been exposed to COVID-19 or start to exhibit any of the symptoms above while participating, I will immediately halt all participation where I am in contact with others, notify my coach/instructor, and vacate the premises.
I also understand that I am encouraged to wear a face covering when within 6 feet of another person.
Spectator Guidelines for Fall Sports in the SSC and Eagan
Soccer: Soccer is a more controlled environment with only two teams on the field so we are able to meet the MDH Guidelines of no more that 250 allowed. For Lower Level soccer the safety regulations listed below will all apply with the exception of the prior approval pass list. For Varsity Soccer the only way to gain entry to the Stadium will be through a pre-approved pass list procedure coordinated by each booster club. This will be done with a limited number of pre-approved designated family members and close friends of each player who is participating. Each booster club will be responsible for submitting their list of names in advance and no substitutions or walk-ups not on the approved pass list will be allowed entry. Several safety requirements have also been put in place.
- Masks are required to be worn by all spectators at all times.
- All spectators must check-in at appropriate gate with ID. No fans allowed in earlier than 25 minutes before the first game and no entry earlier than 15 minutes prior to the second game. All names must be on submitted list. No substitutions.
- No spectator access to the field area at any time.
- Visiting fans will occupy the bleachers on the east side of the stadium (opposite the press box).
- Home fans will occupy the bleachers on the west side of the stadium (press box side).
- Lower level benches will also be on opposite sides of the field and fans should remain on their own side with masks on.
- No concessions will be available, outside food/beverage allowed but no coolers.
- Fans must sit at least 6 feet apart from anyone not living in their household.
- All players, coaches, fans must immediately exit the area at the conclusion of the contest.
- No gathering or waiting in a group outside the stadium after the game. Please help with congestion by going directly to vehicles.
- Players and coaches are also being asked to follow several additional safety precautions.
Eagan TV will provide a streaming option for as many contests as possible.